Thursday, December 19, 2013

Strange Sounds Are Never Good On A Boat

We were sitting in an anchorage by Cape Haze Florida drinking a tea (there has just been too much talk of rum on this blog) when Marc and I heard a strange and ominous sound. Strange sounds are never good on a boat. At first I looked up thinking it was light rain taping on the hatch. Nope there are stars out there. I wish I had, had the forethought to grab my camera because Marc was on all fours crawling around trying to identify the sound. It sort of sounded like many small electrical shorts, or crackling fire Mild panic! We have done a lot of work, could something be wrong? Marc rips out the floor boards nothing. He pokes, prods, empties storage lockers, nothing. He examines the electrical in out around, nothing. We crawl around every inch of the boat trying to detect where the sound is coming from. It seems to be everywhere and nowhere. Where the hull is thinnest it sounds the loudest. We have decided it must be outside. We still don’t know what it could be but last year when we were in Greece we had a fish manicure. While were seated comfortably giggling little fish gently tickled our feet and removed the dead skin. We are hoping that little fish are gently cleaning our boat. If someone knows what it is please help a girl out. I got up three times last night just to make sure we were still afloat. Yup all good, but the sounds were still here this morning when we pulled anchor. 

Follow up: We received an excerpt from the blog Seabbatical  

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Last night was the quietest, windless night we have had.  We could hear the krill clicking away at our hull.  We started experiencing this noise once we hit salt water.  We lay in bed and it sounds like a crackling fire.  At first we wondered if there was an electrical problem, but quickly learned it was water life eating away at anything on the hull.  Last night was the loudest.  Someone told us it was a sign of healthy water. 

Cape Haze Florida

Greece 2012

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