Friday, September 25, 2015

The Definition Of Bunkie Has Many Meanings

Many of our urban dwelling southern friends have been questioning, just exactly what we are building? What is a bunkie, while our rural, northern friends have no problem understanding our building plans. During a long drive after we had pondered the meaning of life, discused our children, a short conversation about money or the lack thereof we decided to look up the definition of Bunkie. Definitions of bunkie seemed to be varied from, a man who shares living space with another man in a prison cell described in the urban dictionary in a way that both my mother or pastor wouldn’t want me to repeat, to always polite Websters definition “The bunkie”, meant to serve as a guesthouse. Most importantly, we learned it wasn’t a valid scrabble word so we decided to define bunkie ourselves from different viewpoints .  

Bunkie [buhng-kee] noun, slang

Treehouse [tre haus] Noun 

a small house built in the branches of a tree for children to play in.
a structure or shelter in which people or animals are housed 

Examples for tree house: “Oh grandpa, I’m so lucky you built me a tree house.”

According to Wikipedia tree house are usually built for leisure, but sometimes are built for protection against wild scavenging animals. Marc: I feel better about storing the beer now. 

Building project [bildiNG pre jekt] Verb
Never ending building project, with an abundance of chores and maintenance to occupy his time upon completion much like owning a sail boat a never ending pit that you keep throwing money into. 
Examples for building project: After you finish the roofing project we could start on the wiring project, insulation project, water tower project, flooring project…  

1. Accident [aksedent] noun
An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury 
Example for accident: 

2. Retreat [ree treat] noun 
A quiet, secluded place one can rest and relax, a place to get away from it all. 
Examples for retreat: Lets retreat to the Faubert’s for some rest and relaxation Note: unless you want to help with the never ending building project; see waiver attached to friend definition #1 accident 

Kids & Cousins : 
Adventure Camp 
adˈven(t)SHər, kamp noun

tourism involving activities that are physically challenging
a type of niche visiting involving exploration to remote areas, where the you should expect the unexpected.

Home [hom] Noun, 

relating to a home of a family, place of origin, a base of operation, a place where someone flourishes as a member of a family. May poses biological DNA, but not necessary. I am at completely at home, and, I am wrapped in love XOXO


  1. Thanks for sharing . And thanks for the memories. Love ya lots Les

  2. Love everything about it! Thanks for sharing your dream with us!!!
